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  • Title: Fantasy Island
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 49m
  • Rating: 4.9
  • Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
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Summary Fantasy Island 2020

When the owner and operator of a luxurious island invites a collection of guests to live out their most elaborate fantasies in relative seclusion, chaos quickly descends.

The enigmatic Mr. Roarke makes the secret dreams of his lucky guests come true at a luxurious but remote tropical resort. But when the fantasies turn into nightmares, the guests have to solve the island's mystery in order to escape with their lives.

Synopsis Fantasy Island 2020

Five people win a contest that takes them to Fantasy Island, where their fantasies will apparently come true. They meet the island's "keeper", Mr. Roarke, who warns them that they must see their fantasies to their conclusions. That night, JD and Brax are whisked away to their fantasy of "having it all", which leads them to a rave at a mansion. The next morning, each of the remaining guests are taken to their fantasies; Patrick's to enlist in the war in honor of his fallen father, Melanie's to get revenge on a childhood bully, and Gwen's to accept a marriage proposal she turned down years earlier.

Gwen is taken back to a night during which she accidentally caused a fire in her apartment, killing her neighbor Nick Taylor, and initially leading to her depression, and self-doubt. She attempts to rescue Nick in the fantasy, although soon notices that each of the other guests, minus Melanie, were there during the night. As she attempts to rescue Nick, she falls unconscious in the fire, only to be rescued by Roarke's personal assistant Julia. In the meantime, Patrick's father attempts to flee with Patrick in order to return home safely, but Patrick manages to persuade him otherwise. As they reach the hostages, it becomes apparent that the hostage situation is actually at JD and Brax's mansion. The soldiers kill the cartel, and rescue JD and Brax, although the cartel reanimates as a group of zombies, who kill JD and the soldiers, and Sullivan sacrifices himself so Patrick and Brax can escape.The survivors realize they all have a part in Nick Taylor's death, and deduce that they are enacting his fantasy. The group manages to escape to the dock, where they find the plane sent by Damon's associates flying overhead, only for it to be shot down by the cartel. The group then escapes into the jungle, where they resolve to enter the cave, and destroy the rock using the grenade Brax is still carrying.

As the group explores the cave, they are individually lured into different sections of the cave containing manifestations of their own personal demons, but regroup and reach the rock, only to be surrounded by Roarke, and the cartel. It is revealed that Julia is actually Roarke's wife; she continuously dies, as she did in real life, and reappears as part of Roarke's fantasy. As Julia begins to die, she convinces Roarke to let go of her, and help the others escape the island. Roarke agrees, and Julia disappears as Sloane takes a sip of the spring water collected in the canteen, before wishing for Melanie to be killed, and causing her to be dragged into the pool by Nick's severely burnt zombie. Melanie suddenly leaps from the pool and throws the grenade that Rourke dropped in earlier at the group, having detonated it as a last ditch effort at revenge. She is then pulled back under the water by Nick and drowned. Patrick sacrifices himself by jumping on the grenade as it detonates, protecting the others.

As the group explores the cave, they are individually lured into different sections of the cave containing manifestations of their own personal demons, but regroup and reach the rock, only to be surrounded by Roarke, and the cartel. It is then revealed that they are a part of Melanie's fantasy, who was supposed to go on a date with Nick the night of his death, but stood him up due to her own self-doubt brought on by Sloane's bullying, and she decided to get revenge after finding out about his death. It is also revealed that Julia is actually Roarke's wife; she continuously die as she did in real life, and reappear as part of Roarke's fantasy. As Julia begins to die, she convinces Roarke to let go of her, and help the others escape the island. Roarke agrees, and Julia disappears as Sloane takes a sip of the spring water collected in the canteen, before wishing for Melanie to be killed, and causing her to be dragged into the pool by Nick's severely burnt zombie. In the ensuing chaos, Brax drops a grenade he collected from the mansion earlier, and Patrick sacrifices himself by jumping on it as it detonates, protecting the others whilst destroying the rock.

The day resets, and Gwen, Sloane, and Brax wake up back at the house to discover that Patrick has died, and Roarke finally agrees to let them leave. As the survivors board the plane to leave the island, Brax wishes for JD to remain in his life, although Roarke tells him that he will have to stay on the island to complete this fantasy. Brax decides to stay with Roarke on the island as Gwen and Sloane take off in the plane, and Roarke suggests Brax have a nickname.
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